Nothing makes you crave chai more than a glimpse of a software company. So when we were in Pune, our friends Sumit and Indu took us to see their office campus. Both of them work in Infosys, Phase II, Pune.
Unfortunately we were unable to reach the campus during the visiting hours, so we had to content ourselves with only a distant view from outside. We parked our car in the outside parking area and saw the huge hotel-like structure inside the campus where infosys employees, their family members, and infosys guests can stay in. We also saw the twin egg-shaped glass buildings buildings that are the identifying features of the campus even from a distance. The campus is incredibly huge and houses thousands of employees. However, this being a Saturday, there was hardly anyone around.
All this office talk was making us crave the quintessential chai. And it being a software company, there was bound to be a local chai shop around. And sure enough we found a tapri near the Gate No. 1. Apparently, there used to be many more such tapris earlier. Now there is only one on this side of the campus.
We had been driving in the hills through the day and all of us were very tired. The thought of a hot cup of chai was so inviting that even Sumit who normally does not drink tea ordered a cup for himself.
The chai was kept in a steel container, so it appeared that the chaiwallah had made the chai elsewhere and brought it to the tapri. Besides us, there were three more people on the tapri, who had also ordered chai. We had our cups of chai in our hands within seconds of placing our order. And we eagerly took the first sips.
And here is the review:
Colour: pale golden-orange
Temperature: hot
Consistency: Normal
Sugar content: Slightly higher than normal
Strength: Slightly towards milky, tea leaves could have been boiled for a little more
Additional flavour: high on ginger, with a dash of elaichi
Overall rating: 3/5