A Wonderful Team outing to Color-factory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!!

Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. 

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Here is the address of Rangshala in Noida !!! 

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !
Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...
A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything, there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)

A BIG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Let's get started !!! Everyone chose their items to color and started moving the brushes to paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Sourabh picked this mask and you need to go to the bottom for seeing the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!!

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'? 

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things like Color-spray, drop-effects etc...

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! 

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Anurag just picked the brush to have a photograph !!! btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.html :) ... I am mentioning this as he asked me to ensure that people know about the fact that it was not new to him...

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

So here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!

A Wonderful Team outing to Colorfactory at Rangshala, Noida with delicious snacks, Pizza and lots of FUN !!! : Posted by VJ SHARMA on www.travellingcamera.com : Today, it was a wonderful team outing after a long time... Usually we go out for lunch or evening snacks to ensure that everyone join these outings. Long duration outings become difficult to organize because of different timings of all the folks ! btw, we have flexible timings in office and we utilize this in better way :) .. Let's not deviate from main agenda and start with the PHOTO JOURNEY of this outing to RANGSHALA for building our own Color-Factory !!!Rangshala is a place where one of our friend stays !!! It's a house of a painter who has kept his work there !! Sauarbh seeded this idea to few folks in the team that we should go for an evening outing to Rangshala and do something different... We thought of doing something like Color-Factory by arranging all the stuff on our own.. Stuff like pottery items and colors etc.. Here is the address of Rshala in Noida !!! Vaishali, Anchita and Sourabh spent enough time on roads of Noida to find out right place to get these things and they brought the best items !!! Great Collection Guys !Here is transformation after 3 Hours of hard work and we got together to do all this !!! I hope I need not to explain anymore !Ankur colored this girl and one of the wonderful result of today's outing.. More to come...But hold on ! Let's have something before start coloring the stuff we brought !Saurabh and Ekta had arranged some delicious snacks at home !!!At least I had enough to ski the dinner :)Ohh, There are more items.. If I am not missing anything there was - mouthwatering Dahi-bhalla which was made by Saurabh's Mom (form Chandigarh :) ), Fried Idli prepared by Ekta, Rasmalai by Haldirams :) ... And not sure if I should mention those chocolates, ice-creams and other chutter-putter :-)A BUG THANKS TO EKTA !!! chalo Saurabh ko bhi :)Let's get started !!! everyone those their items to color and started moving the brusesto paint the shades... Let's see how it goes...So Nimisha and Anchita picked the similar items.. A big Bell and chain with it... btw, A book called 'Anchi-Nimi ki kahaniyan' will have this photograph on cover page !!Sourabh picked this mask and go to the bottom to see the wonderful results through Sourabh's Brush !!Nimisha and Anchita colored their bells in same way.. After completing one portion they used to have a meeting to decide next color and ....Vaishali was very enthusiastic about the event and showing her artistic brush S-22 .. Don't you know what is 'S-22'?Anchita and Nimisha were sharing the same color-plate to ensure that there is no mismatch between the final outcomes...Vaibhav, who believes in Modern Arts and don't want to miss any color... His final creation had all the possible colors.. and our color consultant !!Saurabh started coloring after thorough planning and did wonderful shading work !!! I guess only he tried the shading technique.. Although Anchita attempted to do various things lke olor-spray, crop-effects etc...Multi-coloring was the theme I guess, which was not decided in the beginning but everyone was in sync !Ankur did all the coloring very patiently and final results were amazing !!! Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!!Batein jitni Marzi Karva-lo.. But he also did a good job :) .. btw, he was the one who tried to show-off that he knows all about the brushes, colors and all related stuff !!! He is Anurag who has also done some similar stuff at color-factory and proofs are available at http://phototravelings.blogspot.com/2010/12/wonderful-day-outing-color-factory-in.htmlSo here Vaibhav is done with his modern art !!!Wow !! Lovely results Sourabh ... He had already planned to gift this to his wife and left early :)Akshaya chose wonderful colors and I am sure Riya will like it !!!BIG THANKS FOR ANCHITA, SAURABH, SOURABH AND VAISHALI FOR ARRANGINGSUCHA WONDERFUL OUTING !!! Looking forward to such activities in future !!!

Did I miss Pizza?



Nandan Jha said…
Good show guys. Really nice to read all this.

By the way, did we put those masks on walls which we did at color factory ?
Vibha said…
Lovely outing. You guys are becoming more and more creative.

Very nice writeup VJ. Enjoyed it thoroughly!
Ankur said…
Amazing pics and write - up...you missed the other stuffs (......); most of the folks had left by then.

Thanks to Saurabh and Ekta for being the wonderful hosts and to everyone who made it possible and an unforgettable experience.
Travellingcamera said…
@ Nandan - No, those masks are still lying on table.. I will talk to Ambika for that !

@ Vibha - Good to hear that you liked the write-up :) ...

@ Ankur - I will cover the other part of this outing in another story :) ... How can we miss Black Labelled Masti :)
Anchita said…
Grt outing n grt pix :D ... thnks Vijay fr clickin d cover pic for our magazine :P
kmahi said…

I liked this. We are also planning an office outing. Can you give us the complete address and contact no. of this place. From the pics I can just get A-74.
kmahi said…

I liked this very much. We are planning and office outing and planning something like this. Can you give us complete address and contact of this place. From the pic I can get A-74.

Travellingcamera said…
Hey Kamlesh,

Rangshala is name a house where one of our friend stays. so you also need to find out someone within your team who can offer such lovely space :)

and all other things were managed by team only.

+ VJ
Travellingcamera said…
@ Nandan - Masks have been put near main entrance !!!

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