Our first Lightroom Workshop at Academy of Photography Excellence(APEX), Vansant Vihar, Delhi

It started with a very informal discussion with one of the contributor of PHOTO JOURNEY, during a Photo-Walk in 2010. We were just discussing about an exhibition which was about fund-raising for his NGO. The complexities of digital manipulation in terms of color management and printing, was one of the main challenge for him. This topic extended to get professional editing services for Photographs...

Initially we did a free workshop for all contributors of PHOTO JOURNEY and it was received very well. During the same we got to know that most of Photographers hardly know about Post-processing. The ones who knew, they had to learn all the fundamentals for better utilizing their time. 

With more discussions around the same, we also met few folks at APEX and planned for a basic workshop on Lightroom. The very first workshop was done in partnership with APEX during beginning of 2011.

Since Photography is becoming easily reachable thing due to Digital technologies, after few months folks also start feeling the need of some improvements. There was the same case with folks learning Photography at APEX and other photographers around Delhi.

For the first workshop we had enough participation and since it was hands-on workshop, we didn't want to have lot many folks, so there were only limited seats. 

It was a great experience for me, as some of the folks had really tough questions during our discussions. At the same time I realized that I am an Adobe Certified Expert in Ligthroom and the knowledge should be shared with Photographers community in India.  There were lot of interesting discussions around changing Photography style, as per the editing style you are planning to apply.

There were Photographers from different backgrounds and experiences... Like a lady who had just started Photography as hobby, some students, photographer from US who had been doing Photography for his business work and senior Photographers who had spent lot of years in industrial Photography..

This workshop was mainly designed for folks who have never tried digital processing software or do very basic things in free softwares. Apart from processing photographs, Lightroom  comes with great power of organizing/managing multiple photo-shoots at one place.

During this workshop we got to know about very surprising things like folks in India have started buying softwares and even two folks from this batch bought Lihghtroom after this workshop. Most of the folks in this workshop had their laptops with 30 days trial installed on those. People who were having no laptop, had an option to use APEX macs with versions of Lightroom 3.4.

It was two days workshop with more focus on practical problems, lab exercises etc.

After grand success of our first workshop, there were other Lightroom workshops were conducted for APEX Students and other folks in Delhi.

Next workshop  is planned of latest version of Lightroom which is 4.0. Now we have also designed 1:1 mentor-ship programs, for which we are getting too many requests but time is biggest challenge for now.

All faces you see in these photographs are participants of first workshop on Lightroom by PHOTO JOURNEY and APEX.

For Lightroom Mentorship Programs or Workshops, you can contact us  at VJ@travellingcamera.com


Shilpi Dutta said…
O this was impressive. Though I am not a professional photographer, I admire this profession and do have keen interest in learning more than what I know. Great tips and work! Keep it up!
Travellingcamera said…
Thanks Shilpi !

Next one is planned on 28th/29th April at APEX, Delhi

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